“The Incerto”, Nassim Taleb

The most important book you’ll ever read, unrelated to personal development. A timeless classic, exposing the true laws that govern nature and the world. If you don’t want to read all four volumes, at least read “Antifragile”.
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“The Control Heuristic”, Luca DellAnna

A book on irrational behavior and resistance to change.
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“The 7 habits of highly effective people”, S. Cowey

Simply, the truest and most important book I’ve ever read for personal development.
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“The Five Dysfunctions of a Team”, Patrick Lencioni

A great book on managing teams.
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“Linchpin”, Seth Godin

On how to become valuable, to your boss, your company or your tribe.
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“Switch”, Chip & Dan Heath

A book on changing organizational cultures
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“What to do when it’s your turn”, Seth Godin

A book for anyone who’s looking to start his own thing, but didn’t yet.
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“High Output Management”, Andy Grove

A timeless classic on the basics of people management
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