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“Luca continues to demonstrate a clarity of thought and ability to simplify complex issues with his Adaptive Systems Course. The value he provides in this course is very high, and the knowledge immediately actionable on a personal and business level. Do not miss this opportunity!”

– Ben Moore, a participant to the February 2021 cohort.

Finance, Management, Health, Marketing, and Politics are all about Adaptive Systems

A 5-lessons course to understand adaptive systems, with practical examples and implications for you and your job

(scroll below for testimonials and the agenda)

Adaptive Systems

An author trusted by more than 20k readers.
Luca is an independent researcher on adaptive system with hands-on knowledge of management and organizational design and their problematics.

Designed for the readers of Taleb’s “Antifragile”
who want to understand more in depth adaptive systems and apply this knowledge to their field, be it medicine, management, marketing, policy design, organizational design, or education.

4.42 average Goodreads rating
for Luca’s books. His last one: 4.67

Goodreads rating for Ergodicity
Seb on Luca

The 5 lessons

Each will be a 90-minutes live session. Office hours are available too. You can consult the dates and timings here.

1. Antifragility. Readers of Nassim Taleb know what it is. But what causes it? What makes organizations and people become fragile over time, and how to reverse this trend?

2. The adaptive brain. Not only our body adapts to our environment, but also our decision making. Learn about Risk homeostasis, the Fence Paradox, The Control Heuristic, and their practical applications to behavioral change.

3. Group dynamics. So far, we’ve seen how individual and single organizations adapt. But how do group dynamics influence this? How do behavioral change professionals design change initiatives that work?

4. Designing for antifragility. Many want to become more antifragile or to make their organization more antifragile. But how to do it in practice? And how to do it in a way that adapts to what cannot be predicted? Designing systems that adapt, the bottom-up way.

5. Examples and Q&A. Participants will have time, during the course, to ask questions based on their fields of work and interest. I will craft a session on how to apply the learnings of the previous 4 lessons to their specific needs.

A 5-weeks course

Every Tuesday, a 90-minutes live Zoom session

Starting on the 5th of April until the 3rd of May included. You can check the times for the lessons on the course page (click the button below).

Office hours

Every week, on Thursday, at the same time of the Tuesday lessons I will hold Zoom office hours. You can ask questions on the content of the previous lessons or related topics.

About Luca Dellanna

I am an independent researcher on adaptive systems, the author of 7 books, and a management consultant.

I live in Turin, Italy. Here is what people say about me and my work.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What if it’s not right for me? I offer a full-refund no–questions–asked to participants who attend at least the first session for at least 45 minutes. (This is to ensure that he or she took the decision based on the content and not because his priorities changed; since places are limited, I only want committed participants.)

Can I expense this? Many companies treat work-related courses such as this one as reimbursable expenses. And if yours doesn’t, you can always ask your boss. Drop me an email and I’ll send you a template for the request.

I’ve seen it talks about “antifragility”. Is this a copy/paste from Nassim Nicholas Taleb’s books? Absolutely not! In fact, even the module on Antifragility assumes that you’ve read his book and builds upon it with original content coming from my research.

What if I haven’t read Taleb’s “Antifragile” yet? I recommend you do, though it is not necessary. Either way, a few days before the first lesson I will offer a 30-minutes “get-up-to-speed” group session to ensure that you know what antifragility is about.

I’ve read your books. Is the content of this course a repetition? No, it isn’t. About one-fourth of the 3rd module has been discussed in my book The Control Heuristic, and about one-third of the 4th module has been discussed in my book “Teams Are Adaptive Systems”, but the rest of the content has never been published in my books.

Are there scholarships? I do accept requests. Apply with a short email, explaining your circumstance and how you would put this course to use.

Any other question? Drop me an email here.

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